Thursday, 6 June 2013

An Introduction

<--- That's me. International Powderpuff Girl. Saving the world from drab one brushstroke at a time. Hi! *waves*

I get my thrills bringing out the most beautiful version of everybody I get my hands on. Clients instantly glowing with self confidence is something priceless that I'll never get tired of seeing, and a gift I'll never give up giving.

I entertain myself  with a variety of hobbies including photography, travel, shopping, drama, golf and dance. I have a BA Audio Visual Production Management and also ITEC, City & Guilds and IPTI make-up qualifications. I have been at this awesome career for 9 years now and I'm still loving every moment. It's not all glam, I'll admit that. Working in this industry means late hours on set, early call times, driving to and through dodgy areas, as well as dealing with some producers with ridiculous requests. Like? Well, like being asked to complete 300 faces in 2 hours without an assistant. Yes, really. I do, however get to meet the most incredible people. I have worked on everyone from politicians and legends to international actors and models. I also get to travel to gorgeous locations and exciting sets.

I get a lot of questions from ladies (and the odd guy) about make-up application techniques, products, beauty tips and general industry related topics. Instead of sending tons of private messages, I thought, why not take these topics and share them with the world... or at least the odd cyber-stalker who happens to stumble in here accidentally. (Welcome.)

If you have anything that you would like me to post in particular, please feel free to mail me and I'll do my best to share an appropriate and useful answer. 

I'll wrap up my first post with my most important beauty tip:
Happy girls are the most beautiful. There is no substitute for a genuine smile and positive attitude to life.
Well, that and wear sunscreen.

xoxo B xoxo

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